- Monopolies vs. news RT @HarvardBiz: Why Newspapers Were Doomed All Along http://t.co/5xSYbVZv #
- RT @Urvaksh: Jeb Bush-backed #Alpharetta biotech #CorMatrix raises $15M for heart failure treatment. Seeks $10M more. http://t.co/79S3GJHS #
- Manufacturing remains a powerful economic engine in Durham and San Jose http://t.co/0Cgo5F4H via @bizjournals #
- CLT increasing parking rates http://t.co/w03DP8bt via @CBJnewsroom #
- Upstart Business Journal launches — focusing entrepreneurship, business growth, and the startup culture http://t.co/DB0J1wEw #
- Changes in U.S. Family Finances from 2007 to 2010: Evidence from the Survey of Consumer Finances http://t.co/Wzh0UMoz #
- Why Does the River of News Grow Audience? http://t.co/vBSK21KO via @nprdigitalsvcs #
- Video: Raunchy dance routine a PR nightmare for Microsoft: http://t.co/JjSxSyKe #
- I see Ender's Game is on several school summer-reading lists. Great book. #
- @Urvaksh @RetailJeff Going to kill? So many small retailers I see have already abandoned the cash register for Apple device. #
- I will miss Car Talk — A brief history of Car Talk http://t.co/zJjuELHX via @NiemanLab #
- 6 ways foursquare can help your social-media strategy http://t.co/SbTgYnzY via @bizjournals #
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