Wired News: Outsmarting the Slick Ad Boys. Add rich-media ads to those being blocked by users or by ISPs such as Earthlink. Double Click says rich-media ads get more viewer clicks than other type ads, but some say the clicks drop over a short time as people grow weary of them.
Click Z: Beyond Pop-Ups looks further at the contradiction that while consumers say they don’t like pop-ups, they have good response. The article says the good response is short term.
The article cites a report commissioned by Web behavior firm Bunnyfoot Universality. “The study reveals 60 percent of Web users mistrust ‘any company that uses — or even hosts — pop-ups.’ ‘Brands undoubtedly committing commercial suicide by insisting on using pop-ups,’ the company’s director of business behavior said in a statement. ‘Pop-ups are therefore not just a huge waste of money; they are also extremely negative for a brand.’