- Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke: No new Fed action to boost economy http://t.co/abhGrAW via @CBJnewsroom #
- Unexpected 'Head Winds' Buffet Slate's Ad Sales http://t.co/RPmYgPO via @WSJ #
- Warren Buffett backs Bank of America in $5 billion deal http://t.co/zsbSwVG via @CBJnewsroom #
- Steve Jobs resigns as Apple CEO http://t.co/splyZNt via @SVSJbizjournal #
- Next year's new ride at Carowinds: 30-story WindSeeker http://t.co/SuNPCtP via @CBJnewsroom #
- RT @huntleypaton: Ritz Interactive (RitzCamera.com, WolfCamera.com) files for Chapter 11. http://t.co/znY8Xn8… #
- Why people heard about the earthquake before they felt it. http://t.co/3PldwB3 via @Philabizjournal #
- 65 top U.S. markets suffer construction job declines of more than 75 percent since 2005 http://t.co/BEypVBl via @bizjournals #
- Oracle bid seen coming after HP drops PCs http://t.co/9IWDWFs via @SVSJbizjournal #
- Earthquake shakes Washington http://t.co/RO9DRRv via @WBJonline #
- Felt the Virginia earthquake in downtown #CLT http://ow.ly/6aK17 #
- RT @johnabyrne: Value of An MBA Has Eroded Over Past Ten Years: New Analysis of Costs Vs. Starting Pay. http://t.co/kydWyVR #
- RT @jamesbreiner: WSJ reports newspapers see lower ad revenues; another indicator of impending slowdown http://t.co/vdVUatY #
- RT @techflash: Skype buying GroupeMe group messaging service http://t.co/6Mfqlpe #
- All but six states post job gains in past 12 months http://t.co/2ZvJec6 via @bizjournals #
- Facebook, Twitter Drew Record Numbers Of U.S. Visitors In July via @techcrunch http://t.co/zJJSPZz #
- Gigaom on NYTimes beta620: http://ow.ly/68Wh3 #
- Interesting stuff at NY Times beta620: http://t.co/G0wvuuX #
- People are picking over the liquidation sale at Borders, but many are comparing the prices with Amazon as they shop. #CLT #
- Between AAPL, AMZN, GLD and GOOG. It's been AAPL and AMZN. In the past month it's been GLD. #
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