Books read in July 2011

Legacy of Honor coverLegacy of Honor: The Values and Influence of America’s Eagle Scouts by Alvin Townley. A good book to read at a Boy Scout summer camp in July. The book interviews men across the country who look back on what and how earning the Eagle rank has helped them.

I hope soon to be the parent of an Eagle and I hope the time and effort has been worth it. One thing about the Eagle award is that it is earned by the boy. There are a lots of parents and scoutmasters pushing, but it’s the boy’s award.

Even in the Scouting organization, only about 2 percent of boys who have even been in Scouting earn Eagle. I’ve been a Scout leader in a troop where the percentage is higher. The current group of boys working on their Eagle are boys I’ve known since they were in Tiger Scouts.

Red Gold by Alan Furst — a World War II mystery. This wasn’t Furst’s first book, but I liked the book enough to want to ready his first book.

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