- Microsoft countdown site urges people to stop using IE6 http://ow.ly/485NI @techflash #
- Do you think America is in decline? http://t.co/QKNwSkT via @SFBusinessTimes #
- @portfoliodotcom: Tools for Solo Entrepreneurs http://ow.ly/47CxO #
- Which March sports event is best for cultivating a key client? http://t.co/cWjKtOh via @bizjournals #
- 60% of Verizon iPhones were sold online http://t.co/KjAhzby via @bizjournals #
- Kevin Kelly and others predict Kindles will be free by the year's end. http://ow.ly/44oEH #
- MIT OpenCourseWare Turns 10: What's Next for Open Education? http://t.co/d4J5oWK via @RWW #
- Google says search will now favor high-quality web sites – http://nyti.ms/fRNjYO #
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