Media woes may continue for awhile … reading around June 16

The entertainment and media sector are not expected to see a recovery until 2011, according to latest reporter on the industry from PriceWaterhouseCoopers, as reported by Paid Content.

Advertising revenues as a whole are facing a period of broad decline over the coming five years, with global advertising spend across all media projected to be still below its 2008 level in 2013. This means a “profound structural shift during the five years towards more targeted and cost-effective ad models enabled by digital. This in turn may result in a permanent reduction in total advertising spend, as dollars formerly ‘wasted’ through inaccurate targeting are saved and reallocated to other priorities,” says the report.

Paid Content: Entertainment & Media Sector Recovery: Might Have To Wait Till 2011: PwC

Paid Content: BusinessWeek Readies Another Site Redesign, With E-Paper Paid Version

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