Publishing 2.0 —When A Newspaper Stops Publishing In Print, What Happens To The Print Advertising Dollars? — daily newspapers are seeing about a quarter to one-third of the ad buy when ad dollar go from print to online.
CNNMoney — Sign of the times: Stolen Christmas trees
NY Times: Madoff Scandal Shaking Real Estate Industry — Commercial brokers and developers had heavily invested with Bernard L. Madoff, whose business style mirrored the practices of the real estate world.
WSJ: BlackBerrys Again Get Sleeker but Can’t Challenge iPhone
WSJ: One Man’s Quest to Catch Bernard Madoff
WSJ: How Apple Could Survive Without Steve Jobs
TechCrunch: Death To The PR Embargo — PR firms are out of control. Today we are taking a radical step towards fighting the chaos. From this point on we will break every embargo we agree to.