- Geeknet — owner of Slashdot, SourceForge — may sell media sites http://t.co/lFcmMBeC via @WBJonline #
- Wells Fargo insiders say employees are making eyes at Charlotte http://t.co/hhUqewWJ via @SFBusinessTimes #clt #
- Think different: How an entrepreneur makes decisions to go camping: http://t.co/BKzRScjG #
- Going back again RT @lheron: Strangely mesmerizing: Watch people around the world buying books, in real time http://t.co/n5FraCW7 #
- Nick Denton is betting the future of advertising is conversational http://t.co/jBxPllEQ #
- Michael Jordan commercials for Presby start next week http://t.co/GA8zeEjn via @CBJnewsroom #clt #
- Hate coffee? Honey Dew Donuts to spike smoothies with Red Bull http://t.co/XJEfrjoB via @BBJNewsroom #
- I didn't start out to buy from @amazon this time, but the #custserv won out over rivals. #
- Why Twitter matters for media organisations | Alan Rusbridger http://t.co/QKgwBTUk via @guardian #
- Knoxville leads in U.S. metros with the highest rate of people living alone http://t.co/nrrODGjl via @bizjournals #
- Election nights. So much better with digital. #
- Journalism: Dying by a thousand cuts, or being reinvented? http://t.co/rgZWfzxW #
- Inside Forbes: A Contributor's Success Story… from 40,000 to 400,000 Readers – Forbes http://t.co/xcJyUbl1 via @sharethis #
- Democratic National Convention organizers announce official barbecue sauces http://t.co/tk6XQUkz via @CBJnewsroom #clt #dnc2012 #
- (Re)Structuring Journalism: The role data should play in a newsroom http://t.co/bWoxbC6R via @wordpressdotcom #
- Christian Science Monitor sees traffic, revenues rising after 3 years of Web-first strategy | Poynter.: http://t.co/yYRJ3dTb #
- 4 billion people txt, writes @jjn1 for @ObsNewReview http://t.co/mY26o5Zg #
- Retirement plans after the Great Recession: U-M study tracks the changes | ISR Sampler http://t.co/cg4E1Weg via @sharethis #
- Americans are getting used to the idea of renting the good life http://t.co/e7kxmRW1 via @WSJ #
- Yahoo CEO Thompson has company: The resumé 'Liars Index' is up http://t.co/4VUS540H via @BBJNewsroom #
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