- “Practice, pray, and have redundancies”: On the imperfect science of liveblogging http://t.co/lpxSU0ei via @NiemanLab #
- @AFL Footy! Thank you. #
- The Social Media Statistics Of Fortune 500 Companies [INFOGRAPHIC] – AllTwitter http://t.co/MBFVVJhV via @alltwtr #
- Would have liked to have seen Hawks beat Collingwood @AFL #
- TV rights in U.S still in negotiations so no @AFL for me Saturday. Harder to keep up with Hawks and Carlton. #
- RT @sleuth: Me: ReadItLater over prettier Instapaper & Readability. I save 30-60 articles/day & read at night. Only RIL saves… #
- Billions Lost In IRS Tax-Refund Scam http://t.co/RYiiZgiD via @WSJ #
- Ruddick to become Harris Teeter, move HQ to Matthews http://t.co/vS7IQ2II via @CBJnewsroom #
- Earl Scruggs — a legend and banjo innovator. http://t.co/9X6wMBNM #
- RT @mashable: Skype Meets Google+ Hangouts: Host Your Own Live Chat With OnTheAir – http://t.co/dKDdJMjn #
- @LRiddellSF I'm jealous. Sounds cool to me too. #
- Google's third-party commenting system is interesting. I'd like to to hear about a LinkedIn system for b2b audience. #
- Amazon's Bezos, a space enthusiast, wants to raise Apollo 11 engines from sea floor http://t.co/UpHNAEeB via @PSBJ #
- How Introverts and Extroverts Can Benefit from One Another http://t.co/1ivDoZau via @michaelhyatt #
- Charlotte's population growth leads all other U.S. major metros http://t.co/ELA6mLoq via @CBJnewsroom #clt #
- Pinterest to change Terms of Service in response to copyright questions http://t.co/9ujGLdQT via @BBJNewsroom #
- How the S&P 500 would look without Apple http://t.co/l6b7fCrl via @FortuneMagazine #
- In the issue of Wisc. journalists signing a recall petition, comments are the gems. http://t.co/cBD5jPyQ #
- Good analysis and conclusion via @briansolis: The Difference Between Popularity And Influence Online http://t.co/nzBh88sL #
- Part of millions of tons of debris from tsunami — BBC: Japan 'ghost ship' drifting to Canada http://t.co/hHKsPBcE #
- Guess What's the Fastest-Adopted Gadget of the Last 50 Years – The Atlantic http://t.co/ECmTPEMj via @AddThis #
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