- RT @niemanlab: Within the U.S., Al Jazeera is most popular in Oregon and New Hampshire http://t.co/4PtE5HZt #
- His Girl Friday @ona: Which is the best reporter movie? http://t.co/2KLfJtJy #
- A vending machine for Sprinkles Cupcake would be a great late-night hangout http://t.co/Qz6b6PUD via @HOUBizjournal #
- Facebook says it may sue employers who demand job applicants' passwords http://t.co/kOZ3zq0Y via @arstechnica #
- Newspaper Publisher (@bizjournals) Launches Nationwide Social Media Competition – FishbowlLA http://t.co/FQq1rI8x via @fishbowlla #
- Cheeseburgers! — Argonne Capital buys @krystalist burger chain http://t.co/YPFd15q5 via @AtlBizChron #
- A trademark dispute between Univ. of Ala. and an artist and who has the rights. http://t.co/1TSXKnHN via @WSJ #
- Data mining and digitizing Shakespeare and how Othello is like the comedies http://t.co/DsM82xqX via @WSJ #
- Supreme Court rules against EPA in big win for property rights http://t.co/QTCeBINM via @bizjournals #
- Recent emails from Google Wave, Posterous and Piknik. I am accumulating #techobits or expected obits lately. #
- Audit Bureau Of Circulations Endorses Meaningful Metrics On Digital Mags http://t.co/UVZaOuue via @paidContent #
- Twitter turns 6 today. http://t.co/YtYb7CgW via @mashsocialmedia @mashable #
- Many Sites Chart a New Course as Google Expands Fees: http://t.co/buAF8Q7Y #
- Gigaom: If you have news, it will be aggregated and/or curated http://t.co/DhyDi3iW #
- RT @bizjournals: Willie G., the man who gives Harley-Davidson its style, is retiring http://t.co/8VIhH6nv via @BizJournalMke #
- Pew Research: What Facebook and Twitter Mean for News http://t.co/EVfNaD6u #
- Monday Note: Management of a legacy media company is left with a dual agenda http://t.co/l6LNlWHK #
- Computer Matching Wits With Humans in Crossword Tournament: http://t.co/FiYvfVz1 #
- Recession and better built — As Cars Are Kept Longer, 200,000 Is New 100,000: http://t.co/saE4ipbZ #
- Thanks to smart phones and social media: "Spring Break Gets Tamer as World Watches Online" http://t.co/mjfyHhyq #
- Agreed. Loved the book too. @ericaamerica: Moneyball definitely ranks up there as my favorite film. #
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