- Hmm… "The best approach would be to abolish the distinction between capital gains and ordinary income altogether" http://t.co/W5cyAtrg #
- Most U.S. College Students Now Prefer Digital Reading — even when reading for "fun" http://t.co/iXBmVoJR via @paidContent #
- @crauber: I like your process on the question. Hopefully editors had "if, then" planning for newsroom. #
- Quote from Beth Hunt with #acbj “@talkingbiznews: Biz journalism facing new times, needs new approach http://t.co/RO2bKfIL” #
- “@NiemanLab: When news happens, whom should journalists inform first — Twitter or their editors? http://t.co/7E9ZD2wY” #
- RT @lheron: You too could own this historic @nytimes copy-editing desk! (showroom models: @AdamS & @lexinyt) http://t.co/zXiOO7jU #
- Why Don't Women Act More Like Men at Work? – The Atlantic http://t.co/nw0JDBbF via @AddThis #
- WSJ Says Big Google Search Changes Coming? Reality Check Time! http://t.co/8G85k0F4 via @sengineland #
- Charlotte Knights ask city for $11M or uptown stadium plan scuttled http://t.co/ig0ESG7W via @CBJnewsroom #
- RT @kristacanfield: "Why Studying Journalism Is Still a Good Idea" @LinkedIn data on @Mediabistro http://t.co/uEekBrhV #
- Newspaper advertising was down 7.3 percent, almost $2 billion, in 2011 | Poynter.: http://t.co/9H2Tbcaf #
- SEC Cracks Down on Firms Trading Facebook Pre-IPO Shares http://t.co/2syUVKpZ #
- Freedom wants to sell most of its 24 daily newspapers http://t.co/Fgb5FnPc via @WSJ #
- News Licensing Outfit NewsRight Bags First Client http://t.co/v0OtcF16 via @paidContent #
- @davewiner If I were Twitter http://t.co/V1XgmtxL #
- What happened to Posterous & the lessons for journalists | Poynter.: http://t.co/YLa89JeC via @AddThis #
- 64.3 million Americans did volunteer service in 2011 http://t.co/hbU7W7EB via @bizjournals #
- RT @daringfireball: Twitter Acquires Posterous: http://t.co/AOT6Bm5x #
- Lewis DVorkin share why entrepreneurial journals is resulting in 30 Million Users – Forbes http://t.co/DWEo3gfN #
- RT @niemanlab: This is new: Google posted video of a Dec. 2011 meeting about how to improve its search algorithm http://t.co/wW2UsUOP #
- Guidelines Proposed for Content Aggregation Online: http://t.co/628leD31 #
- Guidelines Proposed for Content Aggregation Online: http://t.co/xRnyQiiK #
- Watching game at Mellow Mushroom. Same game but 2-second delay between two networks. It is deja vu. #
- @sleuth I had mimosas at my second session. I thought that was normal. #
- The image of the 'creative type' is a myth — anyone can innovate. http://t.co/JaixMGFl via @WSJ #
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