- How writing books helps a business journalist develop his craft http://t.co/HIsfelCI #
- @samueljrandall Indirectly. How can I help you? #
- The similarity in product strategies between Lipitor and iPhone 4s – http://t.co/6B6V1srQ @HarvardBiz #
- Wrapping presents before dawn … the only way to get into a holiday spirit. #
- @sleuth I've used it for more than a year. Very pleased with it. #
- Which BCS game is biggest winner/clunker? Little Caesars Bowl biggest clunker http://t.co/eE29vCoL… via @bizjournals #
- Welcome to Amazon Town — Retired 'Workampers' Flock to Remote Towns for Temporary Gigs http://t.co/OwhHjtzW via @WSJ #
- P&G Clears Plan for Mobile Coupons http://t.co/bTVMDq0S via @WSJ #
- Scientists assemble water quality records in the Thames that reach back over 140 years — showing nitrate rise. http://t.co/tNBE30Zj #
- Bank of America closes below $5 for first time since 2009 http://t.co/hv6WfmgR via @SFBusinessTimes #
- Google's plans to launch a tablet will bring comparisons to Chromebook's success http://t.co/bRcQEXkf via @SVSJbizjournal #
- Economics focus: One nation overdrawn: Lessons for Europe from America’s history | The Economist http://t.co/gnumRWTc #
- How a Digital First approach guides a journalist’s work @stevebuttry of Digital First Media. http://t.co/K1niUcF8 #
- Grocer Bi-Lo to buy Winn-Dixie. Combined chain will have 690 stores. http://t.co/5l3yNoxw via @JBJNews #
- Inside The Atlantic: How One Magazine Got Profitable by Going 'Digital First' http://t.co/V9erZXYB via @mashable #
- RT @bupbin: FAA Okays iPads for Cockpits but Not for Passengers http://t.co/jfYgIpJV… via @GovInTheLab #
- Checklist for being a “real” journalist — http://t.co/kmbfNB7V #
- Monday Note: Whatever 2011 was, it wasn’t The Year Of The Incumbent http://t.co/NKBuVGtD #
- Fir Real? Christmas Trees in Crisis http://t.co/j2O6mCLs #WSJ #
- Affluence is becoming a temporary phenomeno http://t.co/gJgeck1l via @WSJ #
- #LSU is the best college football team. Care to see who ranked the worst? http://t.co/eE29vCoL… via @bizjournals #
- Social Media Reduce Allure of High School Reunions: http://t.co/08UjFILY #
- The digital missteps of New York Times' departing CEO http://t.co/jCQjCPQY via @WSJ #
- RT @talkingbiznews: Reuters is moving its global online newsroom from Toronto to Bangalore http://t.co/uO2DCj5O #
- RT @bizjournals: $1B antitrust case against Microsoft could face new trial http://t.co/H1ydSh07… via @TechFlash #
- @LynChasteen Good luck on the path ahead — ABJ publisher departing soon http://t.co/WfDCw9dR via @MyABJ #
- Dell quits netbooks, says 'thin and powerful is where it's at' | The Verge http://t.co/ajsLn1Qu via @verge #
- Thus ending the under way/underway debate: AP Stylebook's Tool Automatically Edits Your Writing http://t.co/UNx6Ox0W @mashable #
- The wealthiest 170 counties in the U.S. http://t.co/aXXnvEbY via @SFBusinessTimes #
- The Code of the Thriller: Never Bore Them http://t.co/3Hd3rwye via @WSJ #
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