- Survey Says: Cellphones Are a Pain for Pollsters — one reason? They have to hand dial numbers. http://t.co/ky4bOY1e via @WSJ #
- Kevin Kelly: All things being equal, choose technology… http://t.co/2h2vD5KH #
- You'll want this app if you miss a flight. http://t.co/F2ZaPPNT via @bizjournals #
- Facebook buys Gowalla http://t.co/OKw4QD5F via @CNNMoney #
- Lee Enterprises' Ch. 11 filing is more about Lee Enterprises than daily newspapers' woes. http://t.co/NriRHwMk via @stlbj #
- My favorite browser #Firefox is passed by my next favorite #Chrome http://t.co/a3IIjbR7 #WSJ #
- Banks starting to react to customers shifting to credit unions http://t.co/qChFo9NT via @WSJ #
- My high school's above the fold on P.1 of the @nytimes today — for a big fat SAT-cheating scandal #sigh http://t.co/o9AkJHjk @reillymark #
- Google may challenge Amazon with 1-day delivery plan http://t.co/l1q5ykGv via @SVSJbizjournal #
- With Chiquita choosing Charlotte, Ohio turns to wooing Sears http://t.co/ctAUZ5hn @BusinessCourier #
- Congress questions Veterans Affairs about enforcing priorities of veteran-owned business http://t.co/oN5K6kHB via @WBJonline #
- Reactor Core Melted Fully, Japan Says http://t.co/a3a8ZnVA via @WSJ #
- Duke Energy settles for 6% rate increase in S.C. http://t.co/wxOEq3LN via @CBJnewsroom #
- How Time Inc. is preparing for a future in digital news with a j-school of its own http://t.co/NnqtTtMw via @niemanlab #
- RT @lvanderpool: Our staff photog has a QR code on the side of his black SUV to promote his business. #smart #
- Warren Buffett, who's buying the Omaha World-Herald, said in 2009 he wouldn't buy most papers at any price. http://t.co/y9tHc7Nm @romenesko #
- RT @sleuth: Join @ahow and our digital team in creating a mobile future: Mobile App Developer at The Business Journals:… #
- Private-sector pay dropped 0.2% since recession hit http://t.co/QspZD53X via @bizjournals #
- I don't see a problem with chocolate being an everyday snack http://t.co/l1aounM6 via @WSJ #
- U.S. may become net fuel exporter for first time in 62 years. http://t.co/2zqd7EBv via @WSJ #
- Bank of America shares hit lowest point since March 2009 http://t.co/F1yOQQC0 via @SFBusinessTimes #
- Incentives for Chiquita HQ could top $22M http://t.co/4cI7Vwm4 via @CBJnewsroom #
- RT @niemanlab: Google is sponsoring a new contest to promote data journalism http://t.co/PcoZewF3 #
- Illinois businessman Shahid Kahn buying Jacksonville Jaguars http://t.co/evwMn4NR via @stlbj #
- NASCAR Plaza office tower likely Charlotte HQ for Chiquita http://t.co/j6dMqJbL via @CBJnewsroom #
- Apple Nipping at Target's Heels for Fourth Most-Visited Site on Black Friday http://t.co/IHrJmk7T #
- Companies turning to private investigators to check social media http://t.co/SGYL6Tye via @columbusbiz1st #
- What makes people stay in one place and the economic price they pay – The Atlantic Cities http://t.co/eh6WmlJo #
- Apple, Amazon, and Google COMBINED employ less than 1/3rd as many people as GM did in 1980: http://t.co/16dIxO8X. via @SocialMedia411 #
- Twitter snafu by Kansas governor offers hard lesson in social media http://t.co/pCkCfDzY via @KCBizjournal #
- RT @sleuth: Join our team! Product Manager at American City Business Journals – Charlotte, NC #clt #jobs http://t.co/1VWdNB3n #
- Bank of America received massive Fed rescue — Bloomberg http://t.co/3RKiGPX3 via @CBJnewsroom #
- A brutal recession — 93% of U.S. cities lost businesses http://t.co/IrQuXMAt via @bizjournals #
- Fliers Must Turn Off Devices, but It's Not Clear Why http://t.co/7zig2jy3 #
- Charlotte families in poor or affluent areas have more than doubled since 1970 http://t.co/Og9w6hbP #
- Economist's CEO on how a mistake transformed his website and why he is relaxed about losing print sales http://t.co/OuBPJuEl #
- Bill Stelter, media reporter with NY Times, shares new tricks he'ss learned at an old media. http://t.co/XMthcEK1 @mashable #
- Email gives Google +1 an edge over Facebook http://t.co/ivio91ky #
- Starting a Business: The Romance vs. the Reality: http://t.co/38EyVBDr #
- TalkingBizNews: Heidi Moore –The importance of Twitter in disseminating business news http://t.co/quYCta9h #
- Lincoln's Last-Known Check and other bits of banking history. http://t.co/EglvLkKb #
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