- RT @jayrosen_nyu: Digital First is starting to make a lot of sense: See the Seattle Times reorganization. http://jr.ly/f7ad A kind of… #
- Nantucket has the highest housing prices of any U.S. county http://t.co/6l2o4eF0 via @bizjournals #
- United Technologies to Buy Goodrich for $16.4 Billion http://t.co/YfJCgjV5 #WSJ #
- With WSJ Social, the Wall Street Journal is rethinking distribution of its content on Facebook http://t.co/aBnFxOaQ via @niemanlab #
- RT @ddeyoung: This is sad. Thanks for all the music. RT @remhq: R.E.M. call it a day… http://t.co/UpKXpeZQ #
- Amazon broadens Kindle lending program to 11,000 U.S. libraries http://ow.ly/6ANis @techflash #
- Angry Birds shooting for Starbucks retail partnership http://ow.ly/6Au90 @TechFlash #
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