- RT @comscore: Where in the world is instant messaging most popular? Top IM Markets Worldwide http://t.co/teepd9i via @datagems #
- RT @portfoliodotcom: say goodbye to the good old 9-to-5 http://bit.ly/rpagcf #
- Just one-third? One-third of business owners work more than 40 hours per week http://t.co/jJbYJWs via @bizjournals #
- RT @jayrosen_nyu: The Economist: In the internet age, transparency may count for more than objectivity http://jr.ly/civw #
- RT @portfoliodotcom: How youth is an advantage for twentysomething entrepreneurs: http://bit.ly/r7WsDk #
- Madison, Wis., enjoys lowest unemployment rate of 21st century http://t.co/WJ8U0WQ via @bizjournals #
- SEC chairman admits to leasing errors in D.C. http://t.co/NXZGWUO via @WBJonline #
- RT @techflash: Nielsen: Games most popular apps on mobile devices http://bit.ly/noKd71 #
- Southwest: Layoffs not part of merger http://t.co/2Nnkyjd via @DBJinsight #
- Marvel heroes join forces with Dallas Cowboys http://t.co/in1pj7C via @bizjournalsLA #
- How we connect by phone and SMS — The Connected States of America http://t.co/xoD4jC6 via @mashable #
- Murdoch advertisers get nervous over hacking claims – Yahoo! News http://t.co/Nidx4zv via @YahooNews #
- RT @bizjournals: Android leads U.S. smartphone market, Microsoft slips http://bizj.us/b2wqf @TechFlash #
- Amazon Tax: Bad for big boxes, bad for mom and pop? http://t.co/zOv0HQR via @SFBusinessTimes #
- RT @jeffelder: Google retiring the brands Picasa and Blogger to rename them – ready for craziness?! – Google Photos and Google Blogs…. #
- U.S. tech companies are helping China build a new surveillance network. Do you approve? http://t.co/mnvU8IC via @bizjournals #
- Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan subpoenaed over Merrill disclosures http://t.co/q9WbRbF via @CBJnewsroom #
- WSJ Newspaper Daze — a great arrangement as long as readers and advertisers had nowhere else to go. http://on.wsj.com/lBNCyF #
- WSJ.com – In our age of online view counts and retweets, conformity is becoming the rule http://t.co/7H9Auzo #
- Life expectancy for newborn Americans is 77.7 years http://t.co/Ue1OyJD via @bizjournals #
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