- Nation's best Scotch Tape sculptures announced http://t.co/0dgdFGA via @bizjournals #
- A Yes Men explains why they sent a fake GE press release. way http://t.co/MxgIM4s via @bizjournals #
- A Yes Men explains why they sent a phoney GE press release. way http://t.co/MxgIM4s via @bizjournals #
- Rex Hammock: “Why not offer free Lazy Boy recliners for them to sit in while reading the newspaper, instead?” http://bit.ly/ey4BuZ #
- Sidney Harman, the businessman who bought Newsweek magazine for $1 last year, has died. http://t.co/uZbJ3d9 via @bizjournals #
- Senators Offer Privacy Bill http://on.wsj.com/eqKSJu #WSJ #
- @TechFlash: Is a Kindle with ads worth $25 less? http://ow.ly/4y4WI #
- Austin leads in rankings of 100 U.S. cities by their small business vitality. http://t.co/CLvfPR1 via @bizjournals #
- NYU Stern Systemic Risk Rankings of U.S. Financials http://ow.ly/4xcP9 #
- editorsweblog.org USA Today considering page view bonuses for journalists http://ow.ly/4xciC #
- Focus on a few topics Twitter research project finds http://t.co/PxmpeIc #
- Current plans to raise the retirement age are not bold enough http://t.co/zJEaTZL via @theeconomist #
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