- Progress Energy CEO sought buyers before Duke http://t.co/eENWtsL via @bizjournals #
- Winer on NYTimes paywall: They're not offering anything to readers other than the Times' survival. http://ow.ly/4gUhn #
- Mozilla sets March 22 as Firefox 4 release date http://t.co/P5TjopB via @cnet #
- Why U.S. has been slow with Japanese quake relief http://t.co/YZCkeiy via @bizjournals #
- Seattle is the lab for local media ventures — State of the News Media 2011 study http://ow.ly/4eTss #
- Gilbert Gottfried canned as Aflac Duck voice after tweets on Japan earthquake and tsunami http://t.co/SStQswv via @bizjournals #
- @TechFlash Microsoft pulling the plug on Zune devices. http://ow.ly/4evFj #
- Dell and Hewlett-Packard prepare for a world no longer dominated by the PC http://t.co/O7mYxDL via @theeconomist #
- State of the News Media 2011: New revenues have not arrived, but new challenges have | Poynter. http://t.co/IOYCS3v #
- Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway buying Ohio chemical maker Lubrizol http://t.co/20uUDlE via @bizjournals #
- Sistrix looks at who gained and lost since Google took aim at content farms http://ow.ly/4dq6m #
- WSJ's Brett Arends builds finds a $200 table — a Nook Color http://on.wsj.com/fiScuv #
- Washington Post's @innovations: Tumblr site on the future of news. http://t.co/p4aYxhX via @washingtonpost #
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