- @MassHighTech Cuban at MIT: Video revolution needs some work http://ow.ly/3Qoxj #
- Talking Biz News: Update on SF Chronicle's business news test with Bloomberg that began last March — http://ow.ly/3Q17o #
- Apple urged to reveal Jobs succession plan http://t.co/mNhrzcu via @bizjournals #
- US Senate backs 1099 repeal — lifting paperwork burden on small businesses http://t.co/X0dKDpL via @bizjournals #
- New ways publishers can use Twitter hashtags http://bit.ly/gHQgdj #
- Reuters editor: I had written about verbs earlier on Tuesday — http://ow.ly/3Oy1Z #
- Romenesko ‘Blogging always has been an embarrassing word’ | Poynter. http://t.co/wBlzsFP #
- 50 U.S. counties and cities surpass 1 million in population in2011. Check your city — http://t.co/DN3dx8f via @bizjournals #
- Michael Chabon: Writing a novel vs a week of Blogging – The Atlantic http://t.co/xUxYH7I #
- DNC headed to Charlotte http://t.co/eox3vny via @bizjournals #
- Houston oil companies halt Egypt operations — and higher gas prices likely http://t.co/Sb0GFq4 via @bizjournals #
- How WWE Conquered the Social Media Arena http://t.co/ExXTMKh via @mashsocialmedia #
- White House launches Startup America to boost high-growth entrepreneurship http://t.co/rsRTsnf via @bizjournals #
- Facebook Ads Perform Half as Well as Regular Banner Ads (with stats) http://t.co/IgMLp8q via @mashbusiness #
- Talking Biz News: Reuters blogger Felix Salmon and when biz journalism sites charge for access. http://ow.ly/3NJO2 #
- Steelers vs. Packers: @CarnegieArtMuse and @milwaukeeart bet paintings in friendly #superbowl wager http://t.co/aejkMCk #
- NYTimes: Do web tools help drive political change or help regimes keep control? http://nyti.ms/gvgnGs #
- virtualeconomics.co.uk: Good news for journalism: no way is Demand Media really worth more than the New York Times. http://ow.ly/3MFk2 #
- Is Gold's Golden Era Over? http://on.wsj.com/gP9zdp #WSJ #
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