- Fugitive financier Rebecca Parrett arrested at a resort community in Mexico. Fascinating. http://t.co/mz1Knf2 via @bizjournals #
- Alex Anderson, Creator of Rocky and Bullwinkle, Dies at 90 – http://nyti.ms/8Ynire #
- Southern Living ranks ATL’s best restaurants — out best-read story today. http://ow.ly/2Zh5x #
- WSJ.com – Online Tracking Company RapLeaf Profiles Users by Name http://on.wsj.com/bY7tFz #
- Why Twitter Is a Big Win for Small Businesses http://t.co/I9TS4EM via @mashable #
- Interesting to read about the hectic and crazy week of others. #hecticweek #crazyweek #
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