- @bizjournals How many vacation days could you, but don't take. Equal number say zero or more than five. http://ow.ly/1NWfP #
- Kauffman: Entrepreneurial activity hits highest mark in 14 years http://bit.ly/93JLW8 #
- The Wells Fargo Cultural Center would be a good spot for a Starbucks. #clt #
- Ready to try it @HootSuite: HootSuite iPhone Update: Instapaper and Email http://ow.ly/1NpOy #
- From Mark Cuban: Facebook Privacy ? Who Cares? http://ow.ly/1NcUd #
- Twitter users talk about Google, Facebook users talk about Yahoo. http://ow.ly/1MRiV #
- RT @toddbishop: Microsoft sues Salesforce.com, alleging patent infringement. http://bit.ly/bSBQ9y #
- RT @toddbishop: It's a brave new world: American Heart Association endorses Nintendo, a first for video games http://bit.ly/9hITxG #
- WSJ.com – why women-owned firms are smaller than men-owned ones? http://on.wsj.com/cGLQE0 #
- @bizjournals First Baptist Dallas sets record raising money for building project. — http://bizj.us/9vk7j #
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