- @rgjohnston you saving Snoops for next week? in reply to rgjohnston #
- RT @toddbishop: Halo Reach: Legendary Edition — because you don't spend enough on video games already. http://bit.ly/awl3Ul #
- Popular story today on bizjournals: Target dumps Visa for store card http://ow.ly/1Bqrb #
- RT @ericengleman Amazon.com sues North Carolina, seeking to block state's request for customer data. http://bit.ly/bd0Clh #
- Funny: RT @ScottHepburn: Now that I've achieved Inbox Zero, my next feat shall be….Checking Account Zero. #
- We're asking if you plan to make the maximum contribution this year to your retirement account. So far the answer is no. http://ow.ly/1AlsL #
- I miss CLT library branches not being open on Sundays. #
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