- WSJ.com – the south isn't the only area where folks wanted to leave the Union http://on.wsj.com/b2rfX0 #
- Economic recovery is our most-read story today: Ford workers ‘borderline giddy’ over turnaround http://ow.ly/1z5UB #
- Good small-biz stort — K.C. Dry Cleaner Tries to Compete Against P&G. http://nyti.ms/aS7fvG #
- Portfolio.com: Airports that airlines and passengers forgot. I remember MidAmerica near St. Louis. http://ow.ly/1ylt2 #
- Today's best read story: Cisco says ‘email has to change’ – http://bizj.us/9nt69 #
- Goood discussion too @ScottHepburn Should newspaper editors recalibrate themselves to 2010? http://bit.ly/b5cvwK (by @andybeal) #
- @KirstenGrind at our Puget Sound paper covers the #WaMU hearings live from the U.S. Senate hearing room. http://ow.ly/1xXGz #
- @techflash: Google upgrades Google Docs, continues assault on Microsoft http://ow.ly/1xF6k #
- Boomers lead startup rise — most recent company founders are between the ages of 46 and 64. http://ow.ly/1xFga #
- Portfolio.com: Southwest Airlines, Apple, UPS, and Intuit top ACBJ survey of the strongest brands. http://ow.ly/1xF9f #
- News Sites Rethink Anonymous Online Comments – http://nyti.ms/9WRqMw — moving away from anonymous comments #
- Readers look for reasons to not click to a story, and journalists too often fail to convince them why they should. #
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