- RT @ericengleman: Went to one of the first Windows 7 parties tonight. More corporate than Tupperware. http://bit.ly/iy8mM #
- WSJ's Mossberg calls Windows 7 Microsoft's best operating system yet … a toss-up between Mac OS.http://bit.ly/5yWsj #
- RT @johnhcook: Lions and tigers and iPhones, oh my! Seattle zoo unleashes new iPhone app. http://bit.ly/tMgK3 #
- Cincinnati Business Courier: Americans spend more money on overdraft fees than on vegetables. http://bizj.us/2qn #
- making progress with Caspio. #
- Good question from Puget Sound Business Journal: When was the last time you visited a library? http://bizj.us/2mh #
- RT @eDougBanks: "383 magazines in North America have closed or will soon." 10 biggest listed @CSMonitoronline http://bit.ly/Bpf6Y #
- Techflash: Root Wireless maps the good and bad spots of wireless networks in 8 major U.S. cities. http://bizj.us/29z #
- From St. Louis Business Journal: Rush Limbaugh in group to bid on St. Louis Rams. http://bizj.us/29p #
- At Broward Court (Latta Arcade), Roly Poly former space to be new home of Eggheads. #
- RT @ccoc: Conde Nast to Close Gourmet, Cookie, Modern Bride http://bit.ly/3heYt5 #
- Our Small Business Center question: What's stopping you from starting your own business? http://bizj.us/1sh #
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