- U.S. may see double-dip recession by late 2010 Chamber of Commerce economist says http://bit.ly/IcvrS #
- After eating, people used to smoke. Now they check their mobile phones. #
- RT @toddbishop Leaping from Windows XP to 7? Some important stuff to consider http://bit.ly/n1uFR #
- Start-up Seattle Courant says good-bye. Founder says more money and more business management was needed. http://bit.ly/15aFXK #
- Malcolm Gladwell reviews Chris Anderson's "Free" The Future of a Radical Price". Gladwell says free has limits. http://bit.ly/zOmX7 #
- RT @toddbishop Photo gallery: Microsoft's sidewalk memorial to Encarta, Money, Bob and other fossils http://bit.ly/19zNRF #
- bizjournals asked if readers would miss a print version of their local daily newspaper — 56% said no. http://bit.ly/10cKc6 #
- RT @bizjournals Google has increased size limits on YouTube and Gmail. I can never have enough storage space. http://bit.ly/10nUIu #
- Tips from Bob Woodward on Investigative Journalism — on YouTube. http://bit.ly/jKjV5 #
- WSJ: Companies Cope With Twitter Imposters. It's been a problem for us too. http://bit.ly/IUUhH #
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