What’s Twitter’s real value — reading around May 7

Paid Content: Why $700 Million Is Too Much For Twitter — at $700 million the cost per user would be twice what was paid for YouTube and MySpace

WSJ: Stress Tests Find U.S. Banks Need $75 Billion — or the stock market back to its 2007 levels.

AllThingsDigital: Murdoch: Get Ready to Pay for Our Stuff Online–But Not on a KindleBut Murdoch also made it clear that he doesn’t plan on selling his content via the Kindle, as publishers like the Washington Post (WPO) and the New York Times (NYT) are doing.

Reflections of a Newsosaur: Finally, someone makes hyperlocal pay — Richard M. Anderson, a publisher serving four Maine communities, generates up to a fifth of his ad revenue through hyperlocal websites, including blogs sponsored and maintained by local merchants.

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