Twitter is 3, and it’s influence is growing — reading around March 24

ReadWriteWeb: The Twitter Platform: 3 Years Old and Ready to Change the WorldWe’re not talking about Twitter clients, we’re talking about Twitter data mining.

ReadWriteWeb: Federated Media, Twitter and Microsoft Launch ExecTweets

WSJ: Blogs Provide Insight to Would-Be Franchisees

Michael Hyatt:Christian Book Expo: My Take — Hyatt was part of the group planning the Christian Book Expo in Dallas. It turned out of have less than 1/10 of the hoped-for audience. But it was interesting to read his conclusions of why it didn’t work. It seemed to be as much from planning that it would be very successful rather than failing to plan. I’m one who thinks we learn more from mistakes. — bloggers who focus on everything from tech to hyperlocal, such as Dallas school boards. Featured today: What makes a good, modern journalist?

ReadWriteWeb: Google Changes Could Decrease Downstream TrafficA greater number of related queries will now be listed for many searches and longer page excerpts (“snippets”) will be shown in response to longer search queries. Those look to us like ways to keep people on Google longer.

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