Struggles in the ad industry — reading around Mar. 5

AdAge: 4A’s Media Conference Kicks Off Amid Tough Economy — now the ad agencies have joined the newspapers editors in canceling the annual conference. Also from WSJ: Industry Races to Rev Up RevenueThe recession is lumbering down Madison Avenue, leaving reduced fees and layoffs in its wake. Now, some agencies are finding ways to wring more profit out of the pain.

WSJ: CNNMoney Bulks Up in is rolling out a bigger slate of business-video programs, as news outlets rush to satisfy marketers’ appetite for Internet video.

WSJ: Mortgage Bailout to Aid 1 in 9 U.S. Homeowners

Oligooply Watch: The coming Kindle monopoly?Now comes the Kindle 2, and some have real fear that Amazon may soon both transform and utterly dominate. The Kindle 2, while not yet perfect, is a big step over its predecessor and is likely to grow exponentially.

Calculated Risk: Bank of America paid $1.2 billion to Merrill associates…

ReadWriteWeb: Google Docs “Power User” Appointed First US Gov CIO — Vivek Kundra became “web 2.0 famous” last Fall when as D.C. CTO he switched 38,000 District of Colombia government employees off of Microsoft Office and onto Google apps instead.

BoingBoing: Proposal to allow publishers to charge for access to tax-funded researchLarry Lessig has keen analysis and a call to action on Rep John Conyers’ plan to allow publishers to charge taxpayers for access to taxpayer-funded research.

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