AdAge: 4A’s Media Conference Kicks Off Amid Tough Economy — now the ad agencies have joined the newspapers editors in canceling the annual conference. Also from WSJ: Industry Races to Rev Up Revenue — The recession is lumbering down Madison Avenue, leaving reduced fees and layoffs in its wake. Now, some agencies are finding ways to wring more profit out of the pain.
WSJ: CNNMoney Bulks Up in Video — is rolling out a bigger slate of business-video programs, as news outlets rush to satisfy marketers’ appetite for Internet video.
WSJ: Mortgage Bailout to Aid 1 in 9 U.S. Homeowners
Oligooply Watch: The coming Kindle monopoly? — Now comes the Kindle 2, and some have real fear that Amazon may soon both transform and utterly dominate. The Kindle 2, while not yet perfect, is a big step over its predecessor and is likely to grow exponentially.
Calculated Risk: Bank of America paid $1.2 billion to Merrill associates…
ReadWriteWeb: Google Docs “Power User” Appointed First US Gov CIO — Vivek Kundra became “web 2.0 famous” last Fall when as D.C. CTO he switched 38,000 District of Colombia government employees off of Microsoft Office and onto Google apps instead.
BoingBoing: Proposal to allow publishers to charge for access to tax-funded research — Larry Lessig has keen analysis and a call to action on Rep John Conyers’ plan to allow publishers to charge taxpayers for access to taxpayer-funded research.