NY Times: As Jurors Turn to Web, Mistrials Are Popping Up — The use of BlackBerrys, iPhones, Google and Twitter by jurors is wreaking havoc on trials around the country.
WSJ: WPP, Google to Fund Web-Ad Research
Though the two companies have committed just $4.6 million to the three-year program, their venture marks the latest example of Madison Avenue and Silicon Valley working together to shed light on questions that face the industry as it tries to persuade marketers to spend more than a fraction of their budgets online.
ReadWriteWeb: Is There a Reverse Network Effect with Scale?
But just as Moore’s Law hits physical constraints, network effects have a limit in many types of online communities. Indeed, in some cases, a reverse network effect may exist: as new people join, others are motivated to leave. This dramatically affects the length of the competitive advantage enjoyed by these ventures. In this post, we’ll look at which ventures suffer from reverse network effects, which don’t, and which may suffer depending on the strategy they choose to adopt.
WiredNews: AT&T Tunes Cell Towers to Help SXSW Geeks
Dave Winer: If you don’t like the news… — Everyone is now a journalist. You’ll see an explosion in your craft, but it will cease to be a profession.
WSJ The Numbers Guy: The Scrabble Statistics — Changing culture and the growth of the language now makes it easier to score big in the game.
Chicago Tribune: Crain’s Chicago Business reduces pay, staff