NY Times: Newest Veterans Hit Hard by Economic Crisis
NY Times: Economix: How Many Jobs Depend on the Big Three? — claim that 1 in 10 jobs is based on the auto industry is for all in the car industry, not just GM, Ford or Chrysler.
NY Times: Web Sites That Dig for News Rise as Watchdogs — As newspapers shrink, rival operations have arisen in several cities, forcing the papers to follow their lead.
CS Monitor: Where should bailout dollars go?
CS Monitor: A lone bright spot in real estate: farmland
USA Today: More hotels go completely smoke-free
NY Times: Why G.M. Needs an Orderly Chapter 11
Yahoo Finance: Florida pension fund loses a quarter its value — Well that makes me feel better. It’s not just me.
CNN: Builders’ confidence sinks to new low
ReadWriteWeb: Murdoch: The Future Of Newspapers Goes Beyond Dead Trees
Publishing 2.0: Hulu to Match YouTube’s Revenue: Ten Observations For The Future of Media
Bloomberg: China Passes Japan as Biggest U.S. Treasuries Holder
graphicdesignr: Newspaper turns off Twitterfeed, gains followers — Other newspapers have had great success using Twitter as a conversation tool — not an RSS feed.