Newspaper circulation continues to fall

NY Times: Circulation Plunges at Major NewspapersThe decline, one of the steepest on record, adds to the woes of a mature industry beset by layoffs and the possible sale of some of its flagships and Washington Post: Daily Circulation Falls at U.S. PapersNEW YORK — Circulation declines accelerated at major U.S. newspapers for the six-month period ending in September, according to figures released Monday, in the latest sign of struggle for an industry that is continually grappling with changing reader habits..

But there was some good news — Lost Remote: Paper sites set traffic records in SeptemberA Nielsen-Netratings report compiled for the Newspaper Association of America found that traffic to newspaper sites grew 24 percent in the third quarter over the same time last year. And September was a record month. The NAA says the traffic boost is due to new features like video, podcasts and user-created content.

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