Recent clippings on making money blogging

* Buzzworthy — Blog Summit reflections. Brian Chin lists his highlights from a Blog Business Summit from January. including ways to make a business from blogging, talking to bloggers, blogging as just a communications technology and that blogging is still no substitute for meeting people in person. Brian also wrote of earlier impressions about the summit

* Problogger — Interview with Glenn Fleishman. Glenn, who has blogged for several years, is interviewed about Entrepreneurial Blogging, trying to make a business out of blogging. He also presented at the Blog Business Summit.

* USA Today — Google’s AdSense a bonanza for some Web sites looks at how AdSense is paying some bloggers more than the cost of the hosting service. Yahoo! will compete against AdSense with its new service expected to be announced this week, according to several media, including CNET.

* AdSense Secrets — What Google never told you about Making Money with AdSense. — New book tell you to earn five-figure income with AdSense. PDF version costs only $99. Tip from Lockergnome, with a testimonial from Chris Pirillo.

* Washington Post — Make Money off Your Blog mentions AdSense, BlogAds, and some self-run ideas.

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