Items I missed while watching the St. Louis Cardinals win and other distractions

N.Y. Times: Marketing Entwined With Journalism on Forbes.Com has begun placing links to ads in its news stories Also Wired News: Fark Sells Out. France Surrenders

Wired News: FCC: Why No a La Carte Cable?

Wired News: Paid Search Growth May Slow

Wired News: News Sites, Where the Men Are

Wired News: What, Me Register?. Also see Buzzworthy Registration pros, cons.

CNN: Is Craiglist a Google 2.0?

Rexblog: What hath the 24/7 news cycle wrought?

lost remote: NBC News to offer newscasts for cell phones. Also Yahoo News: ABC News Now available on Sprint cell phones

Rexblog: Great time to be a news junkie

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