Steve Ruebel of Micro Persuasion plans a blog-only news diet starting Monday. “This information junkie is going to attempt to go cold turkey on most news produced by the pros for seven consecutive days beginning Sunday, May 30. I will not pick up a newspaper, magazine, watch TV news, or visit a news Web site. The only way I will stay up to date on what’s going is by reading what’s posted on other Weblogs.”
What about RSS feeds? “I will also not click any blog links to journalist-written stories or browse non-blog RSS feeds.”
My self-imposed info-hunger strike, however, does not mean that mass media is going away anytime soon. In fact, it will only become more relevant as blogs act like a media magnifying glass and perform essential “checks and balances” on news reported by the pros.
Well if nothing else, Ruebel will be the topic of many blogs through the diet.