From The Scoop: Harvy Lipman and Grant Williams of the Chronicle of Philanthropy reviewed information from more than 10,000 non-profit tax forms covering 1998 through 2002 to determine that charities reported at least $142 million in debts due to loans made to officers and directors. Private foundations cannot make such loans, but charities can. Some filings contained less than complete information on loan debts: “4,756 groups reported loans to top officials, but failed, as required by the Internal Revenue Service, to say how much the debt totaled.”
On The Chronicle of Philanthropy story page you are offered a pull-down menu to see the groups that made loans to officials by state. But it’s only available to subscribers.
Update: Pacific Business News did a local version of the story and found that in Hawaii such loans are prohibited by state law. This would be a good story for any newspaper.