I would have posted this sooner, but I didn’t have time

Wall Street Journal article Jan. 26 reports we’re running out of spare time.

Chart shows how people spend their spare time since 1996. The amount of time people spend on cable and satellite TV increased 7 hours a week to 18, while broadcast TV has dropped 4 hours to 15. Radio had a slight growth from 19 to 20 hours and recorded music fell almost in half to 3 hours and Internet has risen to from nowhere to 3.5 hours.

Newspapers (4 to 3 hours), magazines (flat at 2.5 hours) and books (slight decline to 2 hours).

One thing we’re doing less is sleep (down to 6.8 hours).

Best quote of the article: “In 1965, 80% of 18- to 49-year-olds in the U.S. could be reached with three 60-second TV spots. In 2002, it required 117 prime-time commercials to produce the same results” — Jim Stengel, Procter & Gamble’s global marketing officer.

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